Terms & Conditions

More informations about our term and conditions.

BGG Terms & Conditions for BGGCs - Online Terms Notice

Last updated May 1, 2018

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Welcome to the BGG - Bit Gold Group website. The following Terms of Service (the ToS or Terms of Service) govern your access to, and use of bitgoldgroup.com, together with any user crypto savings products on the website. All use of the Website and the Content (defined in the Intellectual Property section below), including your crypto savings products on the Website (your BGG - Bit Gold Group crypto savings products) is subject to the ToS.

By applying to use or using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the ToS.

If you do not agree with anything contained in the ToS, please do not submit information to, access information from, or otherwise, utilize the Website.

In the ToS, users of this Website, including owners, employees, agents, and affiliates of any business, corporation, partnership or other entity that is, or is considering becoming, a user, are referred to as you or your.

BGG - Bit Gold Group & BGG – Bank Gold Group, together with its applicable subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees, successors and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents are referred to as BGG Bank, we, us or our. Together, you and we may be collectively referred to as Parties.

Modifications to the Terms of Service and the Website

BGG - Bit Gold Group reserves the right to make changes to the ToS at any time. It is your responsibility to review the ToS from time to time to see if modifications have been made. Your continued use of the Website after any modification of the Terms of Service will conclusively indicate that you accept those changes. Notwithstanding the above, we will seek your consent to future modifications to the extent we are required to do so by applicable law.

Electronic Communication

You acknowledge and agree that the communications between you and BGG - Bit Gold Groupare electronic. You consent to receive communications from BGG - Bit Gold Groupin an electronic form, including e-mail. You agree that all terms and conditions, agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if they were in writing. BGG - Bit Gold Groupwill use reasonable efforts to honor any request you may have to opt out from receiving e-mails. You hereby confirm and agree that your sole remedy in connection with any e-mail sent by BGG - Bit Gold Group to you or to any of our customers shall be to stop your use of the Website. With respect to these terms, you waive any rights to require an original (non-electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, to the extent such waiver is not prohibited under applicable law.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We encourage you to read BGG Bank’s Privacy Policy located at http://bitgoldgroup.com/privacy.html (the Privacy Policy), which explains how we treat your personal information and protect your privacy when you are using the Website. By using the Website, you agree that BGG - Bit Gold Groupmay use your information as set forth in the Privacy Policy. BGG Bank’s Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated in the ToS by reference in its entirety.

Acceptable use of the Website; Conditions of Your Use

By using the Website, you agree to (a) the Terms of Service and (b) applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted online business practices. Accordingly, you understand that:

  1. You agree that any information that you provide (about your identity, finances, and relationships) is accurate, correct, and up to date.
  2. You are 18 years of age or older; able to form a binding contract with us; and are acting on your own behalf (and have not been banned, terminated, or otherwise denied access by BGG - Bit Gold Group or the law).
  3. Accessing the information, resources, services, products, and tools of this Website by any other means than we provide is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree not to access or tamper with the Website, for any purpose, through any automated, unethical or unconventional means, including accessing or collecting personally identifiable information and/or crypto savings products information (including user names, passwords, e-mail addresses or other personal, financial or contact information) with respect to BGG - Bit Gold Group users, or employees.
  4. Except as explicitly permitted by the ToS, you agree not (and may not allow others) to sell, copy, modify, correct, enhance, create derivative works from, publish, store or in any way distribute or otherwise exploit, including for any purpose competitive to BGG - Bit Gold Group or any commercial purpose any information or any other intellectual property from or on the Website (including the Content (as defined below), any software on the Website and any products or services sold or offered by BGG Bank, collectively, BGG - Bit Gold Group IP).
  5. Without BGG Bank’s prior written consent, you agree not (and may not allow others) to (i) decompile, reverse engineer, convert or otherwise extract or disclose the underlying script, code (whether binary, assembly, source, object, HTML or otherwise) or structure of any BGG - Bit Gold Group IP or (ii) remove or alter authorship attribution or copyright notices or similar information on the Website or any products or materials embodying or containing any BGG - Bit Gold Group IP.
  6. You agree not to violate, interfere with, impair or circumvent the ordinary operation, security, privacy or mission of the Website or BGG Bank’s products, services or data, including overburdening, spamming, engaging in a denial or service attack or similar activities (or attempt to do any of the above).
  7. You are solely responsible for all crypto savings products activity that occurs on or under your crypto savings products (whether or not expressly authorized by you), and for maintaining the confidentiality of your login details. You and we acknowledge and agree that BGG - Bit Gold Group shall have no liability to you or any other person for acts or omissions made or committed by any agent, representative or third-party service provider in respect of your crypto savings products.
  8. You agree that you will not transmit to BGG - Bit Gold Group or make available on or upload any information to the Website that a. Is commercial or promotional in nature (without the prior written authorization of BGG Bank); b. Is unlawful, harmful, deceptive, or otherwise violates the legal rights or privacy of others or capable of giving rise to legal action whether against you or BGG - Bit Gold Group or any affiliated third party; c. Infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other property rights of any party; d. Impersonates any person or entity (including BGG - Bit Gold Group or its employees and representatives); or e. Contains viruses, malware or any program, code or technology designed to disrupt, intercept, impair or destroy the functionality of the Website or its software, data or network.
  9. BGG - Bit Gold Group reserves the right to edit, restrict or remove any content you provide for any reason at any time. In addition, BGG - Bit Gold Group does not control any information provided by other users that may be made available on or through the Website. Notwithstanding BGG Bank’s rights under the ToS, BGG - Bit Gold Groupdoes not undertake, and shall not be obligated, to monitor the submission of any content to, or the publication of any content on, the Website at any time. BGG - Bit Gold Groupreserves the right to refuse service, terminate relationships, and/or cancel orders or transactions in its discretion.
  10. By submitting information, feedback or other material to BGG Bank, if any, including on or through the Website or your BGG - Bit Gold Group crypto savings products, you: a. acknowledge that such information is non-confidential, except for any personal financial information; b. grant BGG - Bit Gold Group a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable, fully paid-up right to copy, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, translate, transmit, display, distribute, market, promote, sell or offer for sale, rent or lease such information or materials or any portions thereof (including any ideas for new products or modifications to existing products) and/or products or services which practice or embody, or are configured for use in practicing, such information or materials or any portion thereof, in any form or medium known or later developed, in furtherance of the terms of the ToS and the actions and transactions contemplated hereby, including the right to bring an action for infringement of these rights; and c. agree that you will have no claim against BGG - Bit Gold Group or any Released Party (as defined below) for any actual or alleged infringement of any proprietary rights, rights of privacy or publicity, moral rights or rights of attribution in connection with our use of any content you provide.

BGG Bank’s Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Identifying Marks

All rights, title, and interest in and to the Website and the Content (as defined below) and any all intellectual property contained therein or relating thereto, including any copyright, patent or trademark, are and will remain the exclusive property of BGG - Bit Gold Group or its licensors, as applicable (except where another person or entity is expressly credited as the provider of such content or data). Such intellectual property is protected by the relevant laws in countries where BGG - Bit Gold Group operates. You acknowledge and agree that no proprietary rights are being transferred to you in such materials or information, and that you have no intention of using such materials or information inappropriately or to in any way harm BGG - Bit Gold Group or any of its affiliates, directors, officers or employees.

For purposes of the ToS, the Content shall include all contents of the Website, including any logos, identifying marks, images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, videos, text and other written and multimedia materials, all of BGG Bank’s product information (including rate information) and requirements, services, advertising materials, log-in or registration criteria and instructions, help guidelines, user documentation and customer and technical support documents, and the Website’s likeness, look and feel, format, layout, software, code (whether binary, assembly, source, object, HTML or otherwise), routines, scripts, software, platforms and applications, as well as any data, files, archives, folders or downloads available on the Website.

Subject to the terms and conditions of the ToS, we grant you a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Website and the Content for personal use, for persons who seek to enter into or have entered into product, or any person interested in learning more about BGG Bank, its products and services, until such time as the ToS terminate or expire or your right to use or access the Website is terminated in accordance with the ToS.

You acknowledge and agree that any violation of the provisions of the ToS regarding BGG Bank’s Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Identifying Marks and Acceptable Use of the Website; Conditions of Your Use above may subject you to compensatory and punitive damages, and shall specifically also entitle BGG - Bit Gold Group to equitable relief (including an injunction), in addition to (and not in substitution or replacement for) any other available remedies at law or in equity, without the need for the posting of a bond or any other requirement.

Registration; Security and Password

Basic access to the website is publicly accessible. However, to use the Website, you must complete the registration process by verifying your email address. Once registered, a crypto savings product will be created for you to access your application and other resources. You agree that the registration information you provide is accurate, complete and current. You further agree to promptly update that information to keep it accurate, complete and current. If you register on behalf of a business entity or other organization, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to provide the information required and to bind the organization to the ToS. You acknowledge and agree that BGG Bank, in its sole discretion, may suspend or discontinue your, and refuse any and all current and future, access to or use any portion of this site at any time without notice to you.

BGG - Bit Gold Group  disclaims all liability, and you acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable, for or in connection with any harm or damages to you or to any party resulting from the theft or unauthorized use of your user ID or password. You agree to notify us immediately of any such unauthorized use or any other actual or suspected breach of security. You can do so by emailing our customer support team by using this form.

Third-Party Websites and Content

The Website may contain links or connections to third party websites. Any such link or connection is provided only as a convenience and should be used at your own risk. BGG - Bit Gold Group has no control over any such other websites, the contents thereof or the products, services or policies represented. The existence of any link or other connection does not imply any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, approval, investigation, representation, warranty, verification or monitoring by BGG - Bit Gold Group or create any liability on the part of BGG - Bit Gold Group in respect of such link or connection. Please be aware that your use of any such third-party websites is governed by the privacy policies of those sites, which we encourage you to review before using such sites.

You and we hereby acknowledge and agree that BGG - Bit Gold Group and the Released Parties shall have no responsibility for any liabilities arising from or related to the contents of any third party website or the use of any such website (including any mobile website) or the privacy policies and customer information practices of any such website.

Termination; Survival of Provisions

Automatic Termination for Non-Compliance: If you are not in full compliance with all of these ToS, the permissions granted to you under these ToS will automatically terminate, and you agree that in such circumstance you will no longer use or access, or be entitled to use or access, the Website, the Content or any crypto savings products on the Website.

BGG Bank’s Right to Terminate Your Use: BGG - Bit Gold Group may terminate your right to use the Website, or block you from future use, at any time in its sole discretion, with or without cause, and without notice to you. Some circumstances in which BGG - Bit Gold Group may exercise this right to terminate your right to use the Website include: (a) you have breached any provision of the ToS; (b) you have engaged in conduct which BGG Bank, in its sole discretion, considers to be unacceptable; (c) BGG - Bit Gold Group is required by law to do so; or (d) BGG - Bit Gold Groupno longer provides the Website. The above are only examples of circumstances in which BGG - Bit Gold Group may terminate your right to use the Website and BGG - Bit Gold Group may terminate your right to use the Website for any other reason in its sole discretion. You agree that we shall not be liable to you due to or by reason of our termination of your right to use the Website or the automatic termination of your right to use the Website for non-compliance set forth above.

Voluntary Termination by You: If you want to terminate your legal agreement with BGG - Bit Gold Group under or consisting of these terms of Service, you may do so by: (a) notifying BGG - Bit Gold Group through this form (or the same form on our “Contact Us” page), or (b) closing your crypto savings products by following the procedures on the BGG - Bit Gold Group website. You acknowledge that any legal obligations you may have under any other agreement with BGG - Bit Gold Group (including any loan agreement or agreement governing lending or investing in BGG - Bit Gold Group or its affiliates) will not be affected in any way by the termination of the ToS and any such other agreement between you and BGG - Bit Gold Group will continue to be in effect in accordance with its terms.

Survival of Provisions: Your obligations and the disclaimers and provisions relating to (i) Our Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Identifying Marks, (ii) Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability, (iii) Indemnification, (iv) Use and Access Outside the United States and (v) General will survive any termination or expiration of the ToS for any reason.

BGG Bank’s Remedies

Without prejudice to BGG Bank’s other rights under the ToS, if you breach the ToS in any way, BGG - Bit Gold Group may take such action as BGG - Bit Gold Group deems appropriate to deal with the breach, including suspending your access to the Website, prohibiting you from accessing the Website, blocking computers using your IP address from accessing the Website, contacting your Internet service or other telecommunications provider to request that it block your access to the Website and/or bringing court proceedings or taking other legal action against you. You acknowledge and agree that if you violate the ToS, BGG - Bit Gold Group will be entitled, at any time, to bring an action or proceeding for specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable relief in addition to (and not to the exclusion of or in substitution for) any other remedies at law or in equity.


You agree to indemnify and hold BGG - Bit Gold Group and the Released Parties (as defined above) from and against any suit, action, claim, demand, penalty or loss, including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses and any amount paid in settlement to a third party, made by or resulting from any third party (including any government agency or body) due to, in connection with or arising out of (i) your use of the Website, the Content, your BGG - Bit Gold Group crypto savings products, any breach or alleged or claimed breach of the ToS or the materials it incorporates by reference, including the Privacy Policy, or your violation of any law, regulation, order or other legal mandate, or the rights of a third party, or (ii) any act or omission by your agent, representative or third-party service provider while using your BGG - Bit Gold Group crypto savings products, regardless of whether the specific use was expressly authorized by you.

Fair Practices

You agree not to: (i) make any representations, warranties or guarantees on BGG Bank’s behalf or with respect to the Website or any content or data contained on the Website; (ii) make any false or misleading representations with regard to BGG - Bit Gold Group or the Website or any content or data contained on the Website; or (iii) participate or engage in any illegal, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, unethical or improper practices on, through, by means of or with respect to the Website.


You acknowledge and agree that you may not assign, delegate, sub-contract or otherwise transfer your rights and/or obligations under the ToS. BGG - Bit Gold Group may transfer, assign, delegate, sub-contract or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under the ToS without notifying you or obtaining your consent.

Choice of Law; Forum for Disputes

The ToS and all disputes, claims or controversies (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) arising out of or relating in any way to the ToS, the Website or the Content, the negotiation, interpretation, validity or performance of the ToS, the rights and obligations of you and us hereunder or any transaction contemplated by the Website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam without regard to the rules or principles of conflict of laws of any other jurisdiction that would permit or require the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. We and you each hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to resolve any disputes relevant to this ToC including the negotiation, interpretation, validity or performance of this ToC as well as any transaction contemplated by the Website by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC Rules") for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The Tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators, and the language of the arbitration shall be English.


You acknowledge and agree that all rights not otherwise expressly granted to you by the ToS are reserved to BGG Bank. The ToS, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, agreements, understandings, representations and warranties, both written and oral, between you and us with respect to such subject matter. You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and BGG - Bit Gold Group as a result of the ToS or any use of the Website. The failure of BGG - Bit Gold Group to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the ToS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the ToS is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, unlawful or unenforceable, the Parties agree that the court should give effect to the Parties’ intentions as reflected in such provision, and the other provisions of the ToS shall remain in full force and effect. The section titles in the ToS are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Neither the course of conduct between you and BGG Bank, nor trade practice, shall act to modify any provision of the ToS. For purposes of the ToS, the terms include, includes, including, such as and for example, shall be construed as if each term were followed by the words, without limitation. Except where context requires otherwise, use of the singular form of any noun includes the plural, and use of the plural includes the singular.


BGG - Bit Gold Group Crypto Savings Account


Welcome to BGG – Bit Gold Group. Our crypto savings account allows you to earn interest on the eligible cryptocurrency held in an account. Please read and keep these terms and Conditions (“Terms”). If you need a physical copy of these terms or if you have any questions, you can contact us via email by using this form or by visiting BGGBank.com.


By applying for a crypto savings product on or after the effective date of these Terms, you agree that the terms and conditions contained in herein will govern your crypto savings products. A crypto savings product opened prior to the effective date will be governed by these Terms, as modified from time to time in accordance with these Terms. You agree that these Terms will govern any existing crypto savings products maintained on or after the effective date. We reserve the right to update these Terms by notice to you from time to time, which will be sent to you by email at the address specified on your application for crypto savings products. You hereby understand and acknowledge that services offered by BGG - Bit Gold Group are open beta services and therefore, can be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason by providing the other party advance written notice thereof. In the event of such termination, you will be entitled to a prorated refund of all deposit and/or savings with accumulated interest available for withdrawal. Once receiving a notification email to verify or register your wallet address for transfer, you are expected to confirm or register your wallet address within 90 days after receiving the notice. If you fail to verify or register their wallet address to receive the refund within 90 days, you agree that BGG - Bit Gold Group has rights to dispose your unclaimed deposit.


BGG - Bit Gold GroupCrypto Savings Account Terms and Conditions

Updated as of September 15, 2019


Welcome to BGG Bit Gold Group. Our crypto savings products feature crypto repository account that allows you to earn interest on the eligible cryptocurrency held in your crypto savings products with and without required lock-up period. Please read and keep these terms and Conditions (“Terms”). If you need a physical copy of these terms or if you have any questions, you can contact us via email by using this form or by visiting BGGbank.com.


By opening crypto savings products on or after the effective date of these terms, you agree that the terms and conditions contained in herein will govern your crypto savings products. Crypto savings products opened prior to the effective date will be governed by these terms, as modified from time to time in accordance with these terms. You agree that these terms will govern any existing crypto savings products maintained on or after the effective date. We reserve the right to update these terms by notice to you from time to time, which will be sent to you by email at the address specified on your application for crypto savings products.


A. Our Agreement

When we say “BGG Bank,” it means BGG - Bit Gold Group Operators at BGG - Bank Gold Group. If you see the words “we,” “us” or “our,” we are talking about BGG - Bit Gold Group Operators at BGG - Bank Gold Group. When you see the words “you” and “your,” we mean the person or entity applying to the crypto savings products.

B. Basics Facts of Crypto Savings Products1. Applying for Crypto Savings Products

Anyone who is at least eighteen (18) years old can apply for our crypto savings products. In order to apply for the crypto savings products, we will need to verify your identity and require acceptable types of identification. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, law of the Republic of Korea requires us to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person or entity that apply a crypto savings. When you apply for a product, we will ask for information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask for your driver’s license or other identifying documents. For business users, we may require identification information related to a controlling manager and/or equity owners of your business. Crypto savings account are not available in the United States, in the Republic of Korea, in the European Union or in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, the United Kingdom or the European Union embargoes goods or imposes similar sanctions, or any other jurisdiction which we determine we would not be able to offer crypto savings products for regulatory or policy reasons. Due to the dynamic nature of regulatory requirements and interpretations in the cryptocurrency market, we reserve the right to update the list of prohibited jurisdictions and/or reject applications to apply crypto savings products that we determine we would be unable to accept for regulatory or policy reasons in our sole and absolute discretion. A crypto savings product can be opened at bitgoldgroup.com. All crypto deposits will be moved in a cold wallet managed by BGG. You represent and warrant that any and all information provided to us pursuant to these terms or otherwise is true, accurate and not misleading in any respect. If any such information changes, it is your obligation to update such information as soon as possible. Note that we may use credit reports or other information from third parties to help us determine if we should open or maintain your product. Your applying product is not deemed to be opened, and we have no responsibility to you unless and until you have received written confirmation from us that your crypto savings products has been applied. We are not obligated to accept an application from any applicant, and we reserve the right deny applying for crypto savings products for any applicant in our sole and absolute discretion.

2. How Interest Is Calculated

Interest on the crypto savings products is fixed. We announce our interest rate at notice page of crypto savings products with fixed rate. Interest will be payable after arranged period of crypto savings products.

3. How Interest Is Paid

As for both saving accounts and deposit products that accrue daily interest, your interest will be available for withdrawal anytime from savings accounts. For deposit products, when the user notice to stop at the end of arragend date of such product, the accrued interest will be paid to the cryptocurrency of your applying savings. Once transferred to savings account, any withdrawal request for the principal and interest will be processed within 24 hours. Any digits beyond that will be truncated; balances and interest payments on savings account and deposit products will be truncated to eight digits (one hundred-millionth of a unit). For users who choose not to renew their deposit products, deposit will be terminated upon the date stated and principal will be transferred to their savings accounts.

4. Withdrawals

You may make a complete withdrawal of principal from savings accounts anytime and deposit products at the end of arranged date of such product. BGG - Bit Gold Group initiates the withdrawal process instantly when possible, and we may require up to 24 hours after you submit your withdrawal request to process the withdrawal.

In the case of any withdrawal, you will be required to provide the details for the crypto savings products to which you wish to transfer your cryptocurrency. In the event that the details you provide are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, your cryptocurrency may be permanently lost. When you withdraw all or any of your cryptocurrency, we will not be liable for any loss that results from inaccurate, incomplete or misleading details that you may provide for such transfer. If the crypto savings products you specify is one to which we are unable to process transfers, we will have no liability for any failure or delay in processing your requested withdrawal.

BGG - Bit Gold Groupand our third-party partners may experience cyber-attacks, extreme market conditions, or other operational or technical difficulties which could result in the immediate halt of deposits and withdrawals of cryptocurrency either temporarily or permanently. BGG - Bit Gold Groupis not and will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred by you as a result of such cyber-attacks, operational or technical difficulties or suspensions of deposits or withdrawals.

Any blockchain transaction fees charged by third parties in connection with your withdrawal will be deducted from the amount of cryptocurrency you withdraw from your crypto savings products. For example, if you withdraw one Bitcoin from your crypto savings products, and the Bitcoin network charges a transaction fee equal to .01 Bitcoin, you will receive .99 Bitcoin.

5. Taxes

You will be able to see a record of the transactions related to your crypto savings products which you may wish to use for the purposes of making any required tax filings or payments. It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the payments you make or receive, and to collect, report, and remit the correct tax to the appropriate tax authority. We will make any tax withholdings or filings that we are required by law to make, but we are not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to your transaction, or for collecting, reporting, or remitting any taxes arising from any transaction. You are responsible for complying with applicable law. You agree that BGG - Bit Gold Group is not responsible for determining whether or which laws may apply to your transactions, including tax law. You are solely responsible for reporting and paying any taxes arising from your crypto savings products.

6. Risk Disclosure

Your crypto savings products are currently not covered by insurance against losses. We will lend, sell, pledge, rehypothecate, assign, invest, use, commingle or otherwise dispose of funds and cryptocurrency assets to counterparties, and we will use our commercial best efforts to prevent losses. In certain jurisdictions, cryptocurrency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, Transactions in cryptocurrency may be irreversible, and, accordingly, losses due to fraudulent or accidental transactions may not be recoverable. Some cryptocurrency transactions shall be deemed to be made when recorded on a public ledger, which is not necessarily the date or time that the customer initiates the transaction. The value of cryptocurrency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange government-issued currency for cryptocurrency, which may result in the potential for permanent and total loss of value of a particular cryptocurrency should the market for that cryptocurrency disappear. There is no assurance that a person who accepts a cryptocurrency as payment today will continue to do so in the future. The volatility and unpredictability of the price of cryptocurrency relative to government-issued currency may result in significant loss over a short period of time. The nature of cryptocurrency may lead to an increased risk of fraud or cyber-attack, including rollback attacks or blockchain reorganizations. The nature of cryptocurrency means that any technological difficulties experienced by BGG - Bit Gold Group may prevent the access or use of a customer’s cryptocurrency. Any bond or trust crypto savings products maintained by BGG - Bit Gold Group for the benefit of its customers may not be sufficient to cover all losses incurred by customers. In light of these risks, you should carefully consider whether holding cryptocurrency in a BGG - Bit Gold Group crypto savings product is suitable.

7. Hard Forks

Any blockchain may undergo software updates from time to time, which will result in a permanent divergence in the blockchain (a “Hard Fork”). The result is that the cryptocurrency on that blockchain will split into two separate and distinct blockchains, the legacy currency and a new currency, which is issued to those holders of the legacy currency on the date of the Hard Fork (the “New Currency”).

Due to the administrative complexity of being the repository for a hard-forked currency, the support of any New Currency in your crypto savings products is solely at the discretion of BGG Bank. If we make no public announcement regarding an attempted Hard Fork, we will not support the New Currency, in which case, all crypto savings products will be denominated in the legacy currency and all interest will accrue in the legacy currency. In the event that a Hard Fork achieves the required consensus, it is possible that we will only support the New Currency and will discontinue our support of the legacy currency.

In the event of a Hard Fork that entitles you to a new currency, you are advised to withdraw the applicable cryptocurrency from your crypto savings products prior to the date of the Hard Fork. BGG - Bit Gold Groupis in no way obligated to monitor or maintain balances of New Currency issued to holders of the applicable cryptocurrency upon a Hard Fork or to credit you for the value of such New Currency. In the event you wish to receive New Currency issued upon a Hard Fork, you are advised to withdraw the applicable cryptocurrency from your crypto savings products prior to the date of the Hard Fork.

All determinations regarding Hard Forks shall be made by BGG - Bit Gold Groupin its sole and absolute discretion and in accordance with all applicable law.

8. Consent to Rehypothecate

In consideration for the interest earned on your crypto savings products, you grant BGG - Bit Gold Groupthe right, subject to applicable law, without further notice to you, to hold the cryptocurrency held in your crypto savings products in BGG Bank’s name or in another name, and to pledge, repledge, hypothecate, rehypothecate, sell, lend, or otherwise transfer or use any amount of such cryptocurrency, separately or together with other property, with all attendant rights of ownership, and for any period of time and without retaining in BGG Bank’s possession and/or control a like amount of cryptocurrency, and to use or invest such cryptocurrency at its own risk. You acknowledge that, with respect to assets used by BGG - Bit Gold Grouppursuant to this paragraph, (i) you may not be able to exercise certain rights of ownership and (ii) BGG - Bit Gold Groupmay receive compensation in connection with lending or otherwise using cryptocurrency in its business to which you will have no entitlement.

9. Ownership of Cryptocurrency

You hereby represent and warrant to us at all times during which you hold cryptocurrency in your crypto savings products that any cryptocurrency used by you in connection with your crypto savings products is owned by you or that you are validly authorized to carry out transactions using such cryptocurrency and that all transactions initiated with your crypto savings products are for your own crypto savings products and not on behalf of any other person or entity.

C. General Rules Governing Crypto Savings Account

We reserve the right at all times to monitor, review, retain and/or disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

1. Contributions

All contributions to your crypto savings products must consist of eligible cryptocurrency and must be transferred to the deposit address provided in your BGG - Bit Gold Groupcrypto savings products or as otherwise notified by us to you. We have the right to reject any deposit and the right to return a deposit already made. Any deposit received on any business day at or before 11:59 p.m. UTC+9 will be treated by us as being received on such business day.

2. Our Relationship with You

These terms and the deposit relationship do not create a fiduciary relationship between us.

3. Authorized Users

We may follow instructions regarding your crypto savings products if we reasonably believe that you have authorized the instructions.

4. Statements

We will make statements for crypto savings available to you by email and/or online at BGG bank.com. All of your crypto savings products and (in our discretion) those of any of your affiliates may be combined into one statement.

5. Review of Crypto Savings Account Statements

We will make available to you a periodic statement showing the activity on your crypto savings products and containing information sufficient to allow you to reasonably identify transactions. You must examine the statement and notify us of any unauthorized use or any error or irregularity on the statement within 60 calendar days after the statement is sent or made available to you. If notice is not received within the 60-calendar day period, then we will have no liability to you and the loss will be entirely yours.

6. Transfer of crypto savings products

Crypto savings accounts are not transferable or assignable in whole or in part.

7. Abandoned/Unclaimed crypto savings products

BGG - Bit Gold Group is required by law to turn over the funds in abandoned or unclaimed customer crypto savings products to the e-mail of your last answered.

8. Business Day

For purposes of these terms, our business days are Monday through Friday. Saturdays, Sundays and all Republic of Korea holidays and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam holidays are not included.

9. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability; Attorney’s Fees and Costs for Lawsuits

You agree to indemnify and hold us and our affiliates harmless from any losses, damages, suits and expenses, of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, which we may incur in connection with or arising out of your use of your crypto savings products or our activities in connection with such crypto savings products, your violation of any law, regulation, order or other legal mandate, or the rights of a third party, or any act or omission by your agent, representative or third-party service provider while using your crypto savings products, regardless of whether the specific use was expressly authorized by you. You agree to comply with applicable law and to not use your crypto savings products for unlawful internet gambling transactions or any other transaction or activity that is illegal or violates applicable regulations or rules of any applicable self-regulatory organization.

We are not liable to you for claims, costs, losses or damages caused by an event that is beyond our reasonable control (e.g., the acts or omissions of third parties, natural disaster, emergency conditions, government action, equipment or communications malfunction). We are not liable for special, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential losses or damages of any kind. Except for any setoff permitted by applicable law and Section 13 below, any amounts owed, or liabilities incurred by us (“Obligations”) may be satisfied solely from the assets of BGG - Bank Gold Group. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in no event shall you have any recourse, whether by setoff or otherwise, with respect to any amounts owed or liabilities incurred, to or against any assets of any person or entity other than BGG - Bank Gold Group. for Obligations, including, without limitation, any member, affiliate, investor, employee, officer, agent or advisor of BGG - Bank Gold Group. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing shall not limit any setoff permitted by applicable law and Section 13 below.

We reserve the right to limit access to your crypto savings products, which can include temporarily or permanently removing your online access, restricting your crypto savings products and/or closing your crypto savings products without prior notice to you unless prior notice is required by law. We do not bear liability for such actions. In addition, BGG - Bit Gold Groupreserves the right to withhold or delay the withdrawal of funds or assets belonging to you if you fail to comply with these terms.

Our liability to you for a claim is limited to the face value of the item or transaction, or the actual value of any funds not properly credited or debited.

10. Conflict/Disputes Involving Your Crypto Savings Account

We are not liable to you for errors that do not result in financial loss to you. We may take any action authorized or permitted by these terms without being liable to you, even if such action causes you to incur fees, expenses or damages.

If third parties make claims on your crypto savings products, or if we receive conflicting instructions from authorized signers, or if we become involved in or concerned about a dispute between you and an authorized signer, we have discretion to react in ways we believe to be appropriate, including by closing your crypto savings products and returning the cryptocurrency deposited therein or interpleading funds to court. You are liable for all expenses and fees we incur for such conflicts or disputes, including internal costs and attorneys’ fees, and we may charge them to your crypto savings products.

11. Legal Process Affecting Crypto Savings

If legal action such as an attachment, garnishment, levy or legal process regarding BGG Bank’s business (“legal process”) in any of the jurisdictions is brought against your crypto savings products, we may refuse to permit (or may limit) withdrawals or transfers from your crypto savings products until the legal process is satisfied or dismissed. Regardless of the terms of such attachment, garnishment, levy or legal process in any of the jurisdictions, we have first claim to any and all funds in your crypto savings products. We will not contest on your behalf any such legal process and may take action to comply with such legal process as we determine to be appropriate in the circumstances without liability to you. If we incur any expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorney fees, in connection with any such legal process, we may charge any expenses and fees to your crypto savings products or any other crypto savings products you may have with us without prior notice to you, or we may bill you directly for such expenses and fees. Any garnishment or other levy against your crypto savings products is subject to our right of setoff and security interest.

12. Setoff and Security Interest Rights

You grant us a security interest in any and all of your crypto savings products with us for obligations owing to us or any of our affiliates by any owner of any of your crypto savings products. These obligations include both secured and unsecured debts and debts you owe individually or together with someone else, including debts and obligations under other transactions or agreements between you and us or any of our affiliates. We may take or set off funds in any or all of your crypto savings products, or transfer funds between any of all of your crypto savings products, with us or any of our affiliates for direct, indirect and acquired obligations that you owe us or our affiliates, including any balances as a result of not having sufficient funds available, regardless of the source of funds in a crypto savings products. These rights are in addition to other rights we have to take, transfer or charge funds in your crypto savings products for obligations you owe us or our affiliates. We may consider these terms as your consent to BGG Bank’s asserting its security interest or exercising its right of setoff should any laws governing your crypto savings products require your consent. If the law restricts our ability to take, transfer or setoff funds in your crypto savings products, or if some deposits are protected from attachment, levy or legal process, to the extent that you may do so by contract, you waive those conditions and limits and authorize us to apply funds in any or all of your crypto savings with us to obligations you owe us. Exercising these rights may result in early withdrawal penalties.

We hereby agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, you may take or set off funds in your crypto savings products, or any amounts we owe you with respect thereto, against the Obligations. If the law restricts your ability to take, transfer or setoff funds in your crypto savings products, or if some deposits are protected from attachment, levy or legal process, to the extent that we may do so by contract, we waive those conditions and limits and authorize you to apply funds in any or all of your crypto savings products with us to the Obligations.

13. Change of Address

You must promptly notify us of any change in your residential mailing or email address. Failure to notify us may result in delay or non-receipt of BGG - Bit Gold Group correspondence.

14. Recording and Monitoring Telephone Calls and Electronic Communications

We will record and monitor our telephone conversations with you and your electronic communications with us (chat, e-mail and other forms of electronic exchange). Unless the law requires otherwise, you consent in advance to such recording and monitoring and we do not need to remind you of these activities.

15. Waiver

We may delay or waive any rights we have under these terms. If we delay or waive our rights, you are still obligated to pay us fees and other amounts you may owe us under these terms. Any delay or waiver of our rights applies only to the specific instance in which we decide to delay or waive the provision and does not affect our future rights in any way.

16. Changes in Terms

Please be aware that crypto savings or relevant services can change over time. We reserve the right to discontinue or make changes to crypto savings or relevant services. We may change these terms, and we may add to or delete from these terms, and the updated agreement will supersede all prior versions. We will provide notice of changes, additions, and deletions as required by law. If we have provided advance notice and you do not agree with a change, you may close your crypto savings products(s) before the effective date of the change, addition or deletion. Your continued maintenance of your crypto savings products following the effective date of any change, addition or deletion will be subject to these terms as so modified.

17. Closing a Crypto Savings Account

We have the right to close your crypto savings products at any time for any reason without advance notice. In addition, your crypto savings products will be closed automatically if we do not receive your initial deposit of funds to your crypto savings products until initiation date of crypto savings products. If your crypto savings products have a balance when we close it, we will return the remaining crypto assets to you, including accrued interest earned until the close date, less any applicable penalty, unless prohibited by applicable law.

18. Important Conditions Terms To Be a BGG Cliente.

1. In order to join our group of select customers, a USD 10,000.00 non-refundable membership fee will be charged in case of withdrawal. This amount is a one-time fee charged for the costs of evaluating registration and setting up your account with us.


2. The first acquisition of our crypto currency must not be less than 2 (two) BGGCs. This is; 2kg gold at the current LBMA price.


3. The amount invested from the first purchase of BGGCs, cannot be moved or monetized, nor even withdrawn for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) working days. After this period, the amount will be released for transactions, withdrawals and etc ...




D. Electronic Services1. Online

Our platform allows you to review your crypto savings and conduct certain other transactions online. You must maintain adequate security and control of any and all IDs, passwords, hints, or any other codes that you use to access your crypto savings products through our online platform. Any loss or compromise of the foregoing information and/or your personal information may result in unauthorized access to your crypto savings products. We assume no responsibility for any loss that you may sustain due to compromise of your sensitive information.

2. Liability for Unauthorized Transfers from Your Savings Account

Tell us AT ONCE if you believe that an electronic transfer has been made without your permission. if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, tell us at once. You accept all risks of unauthorized access and use of your crypto savings products.

3. Liability for Failure to Make Transfers

If we do not complete a transfer to or from your crypto savings products(s) on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your actual losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:

  1. If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough funds in your crypto savings products to make the transfer.
  2. If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken.
  3. In the case of preauthorized credits, if the data from the third party is not received, is incomplete or erroneous.
  4. If your crypto savings product is not in an active status.

There may be other exceptions stated in our agreement with you.

4. Disclosure of crypto savings products Information

We will disclose information to third parties about your crypto savings products or the transfers you make:

  1. Where it is necessary for completing transfers; or
  2. In order to verify the existence and condition of your crypto savings products for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant; or
  3. If you give us your written permission; or
  4. If we close your crypto savings products to protect or enforce our legal rights; or
  5. In order to comply with government agency or court orders; or
  6. Any transfers and / or payments to be made in BGGC or in another currency, will only be exchanged in another currency or deposited in an account indicated by the client upon the proven presentation of the deposit made in BGG account citing the bank of origin of the funds.
  7. As disclosed in our Privacy Policy.

5. In Case of Errors or Questions

Send us an e-mail using this form (or the same form on our “Contact Us” page), as soon as you can, if you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about an item listed on the statement. We must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after we send you or make available to you the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.

  1. Tell us your name and e-mail address
  2. Describe the error or the item you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
  3. Tell us the amount of the suspected error.

We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your complaint or question. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing, or request additional information, and do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not re-check your crypto savings products. For errors involving new crypto savings products, we may take up to ninety (90) days to investigate your complaint or question. We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.

