Online Privacy Notice

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BANK GOLD GROUP - Online Privacy Notice

Last updated May 1, 2018

This BITGOLDGROUP Privacy Notice (Notice) applies to this BANK GOLD GROUP online interface (i.e., website or mobile application) and any BANK GOLD GROUP U.S. affiliate or subsidiary online interface that links to this Notice, (each, a Site, and, collectively, Sites).  The term "BANK GOLD GROUP" or "we" or "us" or "our" in this Notice refers to banking and non-banking U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of BANK GOLD GROUP Corporation that link to this Notice. This Notice describes how Sites may collect, use and share information from or about you, and explains how information may be collected and used for advertising purposes.

BANK GOLD GROUP provides other online interfaces not covered by this Notice. If you visit or access your accounts from one of these sites, please review the online privacy practices of that site to understand how your online information may be collected, used and shared.

For visitors to this Site, we will use and share any information that we collect on this site from or about you in accordance with the BANK GOLD GROUP U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice.

Additional information on our Privacy & Security practices may be found on our Sites and within Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Although the additional information is provided as a resource, the terms and conditions of this Notice control, and by using the Site, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice.

Collecting and Using Information

Personal Information We Collect Online

Personal Information means personally identifiable information such as information you provide via forms, surveys, applications or other online fields including name, postal or email addresses, telephone, fax or mobile numbers, or account numbers.

How We Use Personal Information

We may use Personal Information:

How Personal Information is Shared

Please see the BANK GOLD GROUP U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice for information on how Personal Information may be shared and how you may be able to limit certain types of sharing.

Other Information We Collect Online

Other Information is any information other than Personal Information that does not reveal your specific identity or does not directly relate to an individual, such as browser information, information collected through cookies, pixel tags and other technologies, demographic information, other information provided by you such as your date of birth or household income, and aggregated and de-identified data.

How We Collect and Use Other Information

We and our third-party service providers may collect and use Other Information in a variety of ways, including:

Additional Information

Third party widgets – we may allow certain widgets (e.g., social share buttons) on our Sites that enable users to easily share information on another platform, such as a social media platform.  The third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites where these widgets are placed.  You may wish to review information at the third party site, such as social media platforms where you have an account, to determine how these third parties collect and treat such information.  Also, see Linking to other sites and Social media sites below.


BANK GOLD GROUP advertises online (e.g., pages within our Sites and mobile apps through bank managed social media presences, and on other sites and mobile apps not affiliated with BANK GOLD GROUP) and offline (e.g. in banking centers, through call centers, and direct marketing). In order to understand how advertising performs, we may collect certain information on our Sites and other sites and mobile apps through our advertising service providers using cookies, IP addresses, and other technologies. The collected information may include the number of page visits, pages viewed on our Sites, search engine referrals, browsing activities over time and across other sites following your visit to one of our Sites or apps, and responses to advertisements and promotions on the Sites and on sites and apps where we advertise.

BANK GOLD GROUP uses information described in this Notice to help advertise our products and services, including prescreened offers of credit, in a variety of ways. We use such information to:

How we tailor ads:

Relationship based advertising

In order to help make our advertising informative and useful, we may use information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or the state in which you bank) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you.

Online Behavioral Advertising

We or our advertising service providers may use certain information about your activities on our Sites, such as pages visited and search key words entered to help determine which of our advertisements or offers may be of interest to you. We limit access and collection of information for specific purposes by advertising service providers. We may use this online information for online and offline advertising.

Advertising on third party sites and mobile apps

BANK GOLD GROUP contracts with advertising companies to advertise our products and services on sites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. We may use Aggregated and De-identified Data and information provided by you to these third party sites and mobile apps to select which of our advertisements or offers may appeal to you, display them to you and monitor your responses. Third Party sites and mobile apps are not subject to BANK GOLD GROUP Privacy Notices. Please visit the individual sites and mobile apps for additional information on their data and privacy practices and opt out policies.

Online Behavioral Advertising on third party sites and mobile apps

Some of our tailored ads are online behavioral advertising, and may be served using data collected by third party providers. Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted Personal Information and we limit the use of information by companies that serve our ads. To learn more about this practice and your choices in connection with it, see the section Advertising Choices below

Advertising Choices

You may set your choices for advertising in the following ways:

Online Behavioral Advertising: If you prefer we not use information based on online Site behavior to provide online and offline tailored content and advertising, you may opt out of online behavioral advertising.

Opting out also means that the online content and advertising you receive on our non-servicing sites (i.e. before sign-in) will be untailored and will not be based on your online behavior or your relationship.

Please note that if you opt out of this advertising, you may still receive untailored advertising from BANK GOLD GROUP. When accessing online account servicing areas (i.e. after sign-in), such as Online Banking or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships. In addition, financial advisors/Client Managers may continue to use information collected online as described in this Notice to provide details on products and services in accordance with account agreements. See Important Reminder section below.

Bank managed Direct Marketing:  If you prefer we not deliver you marketing offers in email, postal mail or through telemarketing you may manage your direct marketing choices online  or:

Advertising on third party sites: BANK GOLD GROUP participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) self-regulatory program, uses the  Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on third party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon) and adheres to the DAA self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising. Anyone receiving a behavioral ad may click on the displayed icon to receive more information and can opt out at that time or by visiting the third party site's privacy policy for an opt out mechanism.

You may also opt out of receiving behavioral ads from many sites through the Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool or other tools provided by the publishing platform.

Please note that if you opt out, you may still receive untailored online advertising from BANK GOLD GROUP. Opting out from a specific third party site means that the ads you receive will not be tailored based on your choices or behavior.

Important Reminder

In order for online behavioral advertising opt outs from our Sites and on other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Site or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt-out again. If your browser has scripting disabled, you do not need to opt out, as online behavioral advertising technology does not work when scripting is disabled. Please check your browser's security settings to validate whether scripting is active or disabled.

Mobile Applications

BANK GOLD GROUP's Mobile Applications for U.S. accounts ("Applications") allows you to access your account balances and holdings, make deposits, transfers and pay bills on your mobile device.  This Notice applies to any Personal Information or Other Information that we may collect through the Applications.

Linking to other sites

We may provide links to third party sites, such as credit bureaus, service providers or merchants. If you follow links to sites not affiliated or controlled by BANK GOLD GROUP, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites. BANK GOLD GROUP does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of their information.

Social media sites

BANK GOLD GROUP provides experiences on social media platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook®, Twitter®, YouTube® and LinkedIn® that enable online sharing and collaboration among users who have registered to use them. Any content you post on official BANK GOLD GROUP managed social media pages, such as pictures, information, opinions, or any Personal Information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies of those respective platforms. Please refer to them to better understand your rights and obligations with regard to such content.  In addition, please note that when visiting any official BANK GOLD GROUP social media pages, you are also subject to BANK GOLD GROUP's Privacy Notices and Social Media User Terms.


To protect Personal Information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws.  These measures may include device safeguards and secured files and buildings as well as oversight of our third party service providers to ensure information remains confidential and secure.  Please visit for additional information.

Using other aggregation websites

Other companies offer aggregation websites and services that allow you to consolidate your financial account information from different sources (such as your accounts with us or with other financial institutions) so that you can view all your account information at one online location. To do this, an aggregation provider may request access to Personal Information, such as financial information, usernames and passwords. You should use caution and ensure that the aggregator company has appropriate policies and practices to protect the privacy and security of any information you provide or to which they are gaining access. We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of any Personal Information accessed by any company or person to whom you provide your Site username and password.

If you provide your Site username, password or other information about your accounts with us to an aggregation website, we will consider that you have authorized all transactions or actions initiated by an aggregation website using access information you provide, whether or not you were aware of a specific transaction or action.  If you decide to revoke the authority you have given to an aggregation website, we strongly recommend that you change your password for the Site to ensure that the aggregation website cannot continue to access your account.

Making sure information is accurate

Keeping your account information accurate and up to date is very important. If your account information is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, please use the Contact Us option on our Site, or call or write to us at the telephone numbers or appropriate address for changes listed on your account statements, records, online or other account materials. You can also speak to a customer representative at a banking center, your Financial Advisor or account representative.

Protecting children’s privacy online

The Site is not directed to individuals under the age of thirteen (13), and we request that these individuals do not provide Personal Information through the Site. We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13 without parental consent.  Visit the Federal Trade Commission website for more information about the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). 

Protecting individual health information

To the extent that we receive, maintain, or process an individual's protected health information, BANK GOLD GROUP may disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.

Updates to this Privacy Notice

This BILLBERRY Privacy Notice is subject to change. Please review it periodically. If we make changes to the BILLBERRY Privacy Notice, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Notice. Any changes to this Notice will become effective when we post the revised Notice on the Site. Your use of the Site following these changes means that you accept the revised Notice.

Cookie Guide

Printable notices

Advertising Practices

We strive to provide you with information about products and services you might find interesting and useful. Relationship-based ads and online behavioral advertising help us do that.

Here's how it works: We gather information about your online activities, such as the searches you conduct on our Sites and the pages you visit. This information may be used to deliver advertising on our Sites and offline (for example, by phone, email and direct mail) that's customized to meet specific interests you may have.

If you prefer that we do not use this information, you may opt out of online behavioral advertising. If you opt out, though, you may still receive generic advertising. In addition, financial advisors/Client Managers may continue to use information collected online to provide product and service information in accordance with account agreements.

Also, if you opt out of online behavioral advertising, you may still see ads when you sign in to your account, for example through Online Banking or MyMerrill. These ads are based on your specific account relationships with us.

Opt out of online behavioral advertising

When you opt out, we will not use information based on online Site behavior to provide online and offline tailored content and advertising to you, but you may still receive untailored advertising from BANK GOLD GROUP. In addition, financial advisors/Client Managers may continue to use information collected online to provide product and service information in accordance with account agreements.

Opting out also means the online content and advertising you receive on our non-servicing sites (before you sign in) will be untailored and will not be based on your online behavior or your relationship with us.

When accessing online account servicing areas (after you sign in), such as Online Banking or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships.

Important reminder:  In order for this online behavioral advertising opt-out to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Site from a different device, sign in under a different screen name or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again.

If your browser has scripting disabled, you do not need to opt out, as online behavioral advertising technology does not work when scripting is disabled. Please check your browser's security settings to validate whether scripting is active or disabled.

The opt-out will take effect upon your next visit using the same device to BANK GOLD GROUP Sites. Click on Submit to opt out of online Site behavior used to provide to provide online and offline tailored content and advertising.

You have successfully opted out of online behavioral advertising

You have successfully opted out of online behavioral advertising. The opt-out will take effect upon your next visit using the same device to BANK GOLD GROUP Sites.
